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CFM Glue and doctor roll

Applying the glue precisely makes perfect lamination. With CFM glue and doctor rolls, production can be efficient and fun.


Engraved Netting Glue Roll

CFM provides customized glue roll for your choice. With perfect roundness, CFM glue rolls apply the perfect glue usage and make perfect cardboard.

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Stainless Steel Glue Roll

As manufacturing conditions and customer requirements have become rather unpredictable, it has been an urgency to decrease possible collisions between the glue rolls to prolong service life. Inspired by conventional technological and artisanal designs, CFM has introduced stainless steel glue rolls with dead centers, enabling high efficiency and successful production.

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Doctor Roll

A precisely grinded doctor roll may be your safe choice, and by adjusting the crown to leave a perfectly-measured gap between the engraved netting glue roll and doctor roll, the CFM customized system will prove to be flawless.

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